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Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista

Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista


Kygo feat. Conrad - Firestone

olhar para o mundo




I'm a flame short of fire
I'm the dark in need of light
When we touch you inspire
Feel it changin' me tonight
So take me up take me higher
There's a world not far from here
We can dance in desire
Or we can burn in love tonight
Our hearts are like
And when they strike
We feel the love
Sparks will fly
They ignite our bones
And when they strike
We light up the world
We light up the world
I'm from X
You're from Y
Perfect strangers in the night
Here we are, come together
To the world we'll testify
We light up the world
We light up the world



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