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Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista

Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista


Roisin Murphy - Pandora

olhar para o mundo




Wanton play, she's so vague and vogue
Another beauty beyond compare
Though I remain to be remade and remote
Don't renege or disown me, babe

You let them see you naked, girl
You let them look inside
You never knew you were naked, girl
You didn't need to hide

Not one expression on that face
Will ever give her game away
No more emotion, nor a trace
And so you beg for her to stay

Where does the love of Pandora
Not leave destruction in its wake

In her innocent way unafraid she will rise
On the crest of a wave tonight
That could imitate, but could never take the place
To be the only dream we had

You let them see you naked, girl
You let them look inside
You never knew you were naked, girl
You didn't need to hide

Not one expression on that face
Will ever give her game away
No more emotion, nor a trace
And so you beg for her to stay

Where does the love of Pandora
Not leave destruction in its wake

You can't fake them on broken promises
And her beauty is plain
She won't fade on written pages
Only altered the same

Not one expression on that face
Will ever give her game away
No more emotion, nor a trace
And so you beg for her to stay

Where does the love of Pandora
Not leave destruction in its wake



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