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Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista

Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista


Shawn Hook - Reminding Me ft. Vanessa Hudgens

olhar para o mundo




She keeps reminding me
That you’re still gone
And I’m still lonely
He keeps reminding me
How good it was
When we were crazy

Wine, she’s spitting out the wine
I forgot you left behind
Our favorite cherry red
Oh, love, I know this isn’t love
'Cause I’m still thinking of you
While she’s getting undressed
I never should have left

She keeps reminding me
That you’re still gone
And I’m still lonely
He keeps reminding me
How good it was
When we were crazy

In lo-ove
She keeps reminding me
How good it wa-as
She keeps reminding me

Nights, I miss the faded nights
Staying out 'til morning light
Having breakfast in bed
Now he, he's laying in the sheets
The ones you bought for me
All tangled in a mess
It should be you instead

He keeps reminding me
That you’re still gone
And I’m still lonely
He keeps reminding me
How good it was
When we were crazy

In lo-ove
He keeps reminding me
How good it wa-as
He keeps reminding me

Well, I’m tryna' forget you
With every day
But I’m still hanging onto
The memories that you left
I deleted your number
With every text
I’m still tryna' forget you
Forget you

She keeps reminding me
That you’re still gone
And I’m still lonely
He keeps reminding me
How good it was
When we were crazy

She keeps reminding me
That you’re still gone
And I’m still lonely
He keeps reminding me
How good it was
When we were crazy

In lo-ove
She keeps reminding me
How good it wa-as
She keeps reminding me

Wine, she’s spitting out the wine
I forgot you left behind


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Todas as imagens que estão no blog foram retiradas do Facebook, muitas delas não tem referência ao autor ou à sua origem, se porventura acha que tem direitos sobre alguma e o conseguir provar, por favor avise-me que será retirada de imediato.

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