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Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista

Pontos de Vista

Porque tudo na vida tem um ponto de vista


Bryan Adams - Please Stay

olhar para o mundo




We shared a special moment
I think you felt it too
I know you wanted more but
Right now this is the best that I can do
If I gave it too little too late
How was I to know?
I don't wanna give you up
No, I don't wanna let you go

So please stay
I just need a little time
And a little help to find
All the words to say
Please stay
Before you're walking out the door
I know you want more
So give me one more day
Please stay

You were looking after you
I was looking after me
Sometimes it's hard to know the difference
Between what we want and what we need
I might not've settle the right things
But I know the way I feel
So give me one more chance
Maybe we can make this real

Please stay
Don't wanna hear you say goodbye
'Cause there's a million reasons why
We shouldn't let it end this way
Please stay
I don't wanna see you go
I need to let you know
Somethings are hard to say
Please stay

Please stay
Don't wanna walk away
Please stay
We shouldn't let it end this way
I know you wanted more
So give me one more day
Please stay


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